2024 Dates & Rates
Except for Harmonized Sales Tax (HST - 13%) and the trip fees, our fees are all inclusive. They include food, lodging, all activities, transportation, and laundry. Guests not covered by a Canadian medical plan may be billed if unexpected medical, dental, or pharmaceutical services are required.
June 30th-July 27th
(4 weeks)
July 28th-August 17th
(3 weeks)
August 18th-August 31st
(2 weeks)
June 30th-August 17th
(7 weeks)
July 28th-August 31st
(5 weeks)
June 30th-August 31st
(9 weeks)
*prices guaranteed until December 1, 2023
Peter, guest, Richmond Hill, ON
'I had the time of my life at Club Kodiak. I got to accomplish things I could never do before. Everyone was amazing at Club Kodiak. You’ll have the time of your life I GUARANTEE IT!.
Thank you, it was incredible!!!'