David Stoch
Our Founder

Our Founder, David Stoch, had an undergraduate degree from Concordia University and an Master's Degree in Special Education from McGill University. His teaching experience includes many years of teaching regular classes and special education classes in Quebec and Ontario. He also worked with difficult to serve students at the Peel District School Board Diagnostic Centre. For the four years prior to moving to the Toronto area from Montreal, David taught in the Special Education Department at McGill University training special education teachers.
David had many years of experience administrating camps for exceptional children and teens in Canada and the USA. He started Camp Kodiak in 1991.
Camp Kodiak

Dave's daughters, Ilana, Shari and Marni have been involved in the running of Camp from its beginning in 1991. Marni has been a teacher with the Toronto District and Peel District School Boards since 1995. She holds a Master's Degree in Developmental Psychology and Education. Ilana was a teacher with the Peel District School Board. She taught in mainstream and special education settings as well as guidance and English as a second language. She also has a background in outdoor education. Ilana is now working full time for Camp and Club Kodiak. Shari is a special education teacher with the Peel District School Board and spent time teaching at the Trillium Demonstration School. She has taught in contained classes for students with learning disabilities and in a resource room model. She holds a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on learning disabilities. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their roles as the directors of Camp and Club Kodiak.
CJ Smtih

CJ is the Director of Club Kodiak. She works year-round in the Kodiak office and brings a wealth of experience. CJ has a degree in Adult Development Families and Well Being, experience as an Educational Assistant for the Upper Grand District School Board, and experience designing and implementing an adult life skills day program for students transitioning out of high school. CJ has worked at Kodiak since 2009 and done everything from running the Kodiak Games to acting as the Assistant Waterfront Director.
Club Interim Director

Maggie has been working with camp programs for children, youth and adults with disabilities since 2016 and has been a part of the Kodiak organization since 2019. Maggie has a Baccalaureate of Arts in Child and Youth Care and has experience supporting clients and families in a wide range of settings, including private respite services, hospitals, life skills/social skills programs, community outreach and live in treatment. Camp is Maggie’s absolute favourite place to be, and she is passionate about creating an environment where everyone feels seen, valued and respected. As Interim Director for summer 2024, Maggie is so excited for the opportunity to learn and grow with guests, families and staff in her new role!
Sam Richards
Camp and Club Kodiak
Staff Coordinator

Sam joined the Kodiak office team in the fall of 2022. He spent almost 10 years working at a variety of camps in various roles. Sam also worked as a support worked in public schools, and as a lifeguard at many pools. He loves music, literature and cooking, and he hopes to share his love for these arts through camp! Throughout the year, he is meeting new staff members and getting them ready for the excitement of working at Camp Kodiak in the summer.
Would you like to join our Staff team? Please complete a staff application - we would love to hear from you!
Our Staff
The foundation for the success of our program at Club Kodiak is the quality of our Advisors. Our cottages can house anywhere from 6 to 14 Guests, and we offer a 3:1 ratio of Guest to Advisor. Our staff consists of trained professionals, including teachers, child and youth workers or mature univeristy students. We have a high percentage of returning staff members, and this continuity is an important factor in running Club Kodiak. We are fortunate to have so many dedicated and caring people as part of our Kodiak family.